
Norton & West Chinnock Schools

Learning Together for Excellence

Latest News

Find out the latest news from Norton and West Chinnock Schools.


West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

Pupils in Acorn class have been learning about the Jewish day of rest – the Shabbat.  This included sipping grape juice, tasting bread (home made by Mrs Oakes) and reca...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly Update

The highlight of last week was our Harvest festival in the church.  A huge well done to the children for their readings, prayers and for singing so confidently.  The the...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

The highlight of last week was our Harvest festival in the church. A huge well done to the children for their readings, prayers and for singing so confidently. The theme of the se...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly Update

Last week Willow class have been looking at changes to their local environment over time and Birch pupils have been learning about healthy lifestyles. Hazel class are looking at t...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

Acorn class have been writing biographies on important historical figures while our pupils in Oak class have been exploring conscription to war through history. On Tuesday, we we...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

In Acorn Class, children have been learning about significant individuals as part of their Movers and Shakers project; Rosa Parks, William Wilberforce and Emmeline Pankhurst to na...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

Our little Willows have been exploring maps and thinking about the place where we live. In Birch class, children have been learning about significant individuals as part of their ...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

The story of Where the Wild Things Are has been the inspiration for our Reception pupils this week.  They recreated Max’s room complete with a real forest made of willo...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

Willow class enjoyed their first school lunches this week and this week start full time!  Tapestry is now up and running so hopefully parents are enjoying seeing what the chi...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly update

It was wonderful to see our youngest and newest pupils enjoy playing with our brand new early years  equipment last week. In the heat, the water play apparatus was a big hit ...
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