
Norton & West Chinnock Schools

Learning Together for Excellence

Vision and Values

Our Vision Statement

Learning Together for Excellence

‘I have come that they may have life in all its fullness’ (John 10: 10) underpins the foundation of school life and our vision to enable every child to flourish.

We are a family of schools at the heart of our rural communities united by a shared vision to enable every child to learn and thrive in the ever-changing world.  We will do this through a well-sequenced and knowledge-rich curriculum underpinned by an understanding of how children learn and their individual needs.  Children are at the core of everything we do.  We strive to nurture and develop happy, young people with enquiring minds, a spirit of curiousity and creativity, respect for themselves, others and the environment.

Our schools work together as a team in partnership with parents, our local benefice and the local community to prepare confident and responsible individuals who have a rich conception of knowledge and the skills, resilience and adaptability to flourish now and in their futures.

Through our vision and values, we aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which success is celebrated and those of all backgrounds and faiths are welcome.  We will tackle discrimination by the positive promotion of equality and the creation of an environment which champions respect for all.

Our family is built upon core Christian Values

These are Respect, Community, Aspiration, Thankfulness, Compassion and Endurance.

Throughout the school year, we celebrate our values during collective worship and explore them in all areas of our curriculum.  Most importantly, we carry them out in everything we do and they are embedded into the life of the school.

Respect:  We respect ourselves and others. 

Community:  We value our family, schools, communities and the wider world. 

Aspiration: We aim high and challenge ourselves and others to achieve excellence. 

Persevere: We keep going even when things look hard or tough. 

Compassion:  We look after each other, share and think about how others feel, showing kindness at all times. 

Thankfulness:  We are thankful for everything we have and to each other.

School events

At Norton and West Chinnock we have many celebrations and events which reflect and embody our Christian character. Many of them follow the Anglican calendar and others are key events where the children and adults reflect on aspects of their life and identity, their place in our community or society or ways in which they can affect others’ lives.

Harvest Festivals:  Our annual Harvest Festival services are held in the village churches.  The children are asked to bring in food items to support the Lord’s Larder food bank.

Christmas Services:  Our Christmas services are held in the churches. These include readings from the Bible and re-enactments of the Nativity.  We are looking forward to welcoming parents once again.

Easter Services:  In the Easter services we learn about the origins of Easter traditions, how Easter is celebrated around the world.

Our churches 

The benefice is a group of seven parishes including the villages of Norton Sub Hamdon and West Chinnock.

Please follow the link below to find out more about our local churches.

Ham Hill Churches

‘I have come that they may have life in all its fullness’  (John 10: 10)


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