Released On 10th May 2024
Weekly Update
I was pleased to see West Chinnock’s young horticulturalists planting potatoes in the raised beds this week. Pupils and staff are looking forward to an outdoor learning day and ‘prayer day’ which are coming up soon – watch this space!
Rev Nick and Rev Coelette led Collective Worship this week building on our termly value Compassion and told the story of Ascension when, forty days after Easter, Jesus ascended to heaven. There was some great singing all round.
In classes, Reception have enjoyed the story of Little Red and the Hungry Lion (a twist on Little Red Riding Hood). Acorn Class continued with their Geography work on Coastlines recognising physical and human features. As well as exploring the impact of modern farming, Oak Class have had a real focus on their writing this week using vocabulary, sentence structure and punctuation to improve the impact of their work.
With the sunny weather, please remember the importance of sun cream, sun hat and a
labelled drinks bottle before your child comes to school in this hot weather. Most sun creams give an 8-hour protection so once applied at home in the morning they should give protection for the whole school day. However, if required, children can bring in their sun cream to reapply independently.
Have a good weekend. I hope you enjoy the May sunshine!
Mr Caswell
Category: West Chinnock