
Norton & West Chinnock Schools

Learning Together for Excellence

Parent Update

Released On 10th Feb 2025

Parent Update

Norton Parent Update

This week, Mrs Banks celebrates achievements in Hazel Class:

Before Christmas, Hazel Class had their sewing afternoon. I would like to say a big thank you to all parents, grandparents and carers that attended. It was lovely to see a school hall full of adults and the children loved having you there! Also, a big thank you to Lindy for all her help and support with the afternoon.

Last week, Hazel class have been focusing on multiplication in their Maths lessons. The year 2s have used counters to represent multiplication in groups before moving onto drawing this pictorially. The children have enjoyed sharing their knowledge of the 2 times table. The year 3 and 4 children were introduced to a method to multiply a 2 or 3 digit number by a 1 digit number.  They were focusing on being able to explain the process of how they got to the answer with lots of key language and discussion with their maths buddies. The children were very enthusiastic about using this method and could say they have mastered this in class!

In other subjects the year 3/4 children have been learning about force meters in Science, while the year 2s have explored the four seasons.  Hazel class have particularly enjoyed our focus book Grandad’s Camper in English. They have all written their own sequel of this story. I have been really impressed with many children continuing this enjoyment of the book by writing a sequel at home and bringing this into school to share. Amazing work Hazel Class!

We look forward to seeing you at various events this week; Cross Country on Monday, our celebration assembly on Thursday and the FONS disco on Friday!

Wishing you all a good week.  A reminder that our first day back at school after the half-term is Monday 24th February.   

Mr Caswell


Category: Norton


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