
Norton & West Chinnock Schools

Learning Together for Excellence

Weekly update

Released On 16th Jan 2023

Weekly update

In assembly this week, we drew inspiration from a story about Robert the Bruce and the spider.  Pupils thought about their aspirational goals and how to keep going - to try and try again.  Legend has it that when Robert's spirits were broken, he took refuge in a cave.  Sitting in the cave, he noticed a small spider attempting to weave a web. The spider tried and tried over and over to make the web.  Each time the spider fell, it climbed back up to try again - “If a little spider can bravely do it without losing hope, then I can also do it.”


A special mention to an ambitious group of Year 6 pupils who, off their own back, have set up a lunchtime cheerleading club.  Pupils wanting to take part, please see the posters which have appeared around the school!


The next  Timestables Rockstars Battle of the Bands week is set for Monday 6th to Friday 10th of February.  Will another year group push Year 6 off the top spot?


A reminder that for pupils in Years 2-6, we are using a website called ‘The Spelling Shed’.  When your child logs into their account at home (and in school) that week’s spellings will show up to learn and practise. Please log in each week to check the spellings and complete activities.

Weekly update 16th January

Category: Norton