Released On 25th Mar 2024
Weekly Update
It has started to feel more spring-like over the last week with some dry spells. Let’s hope the sunshine continues this week as there is lots in store including outdoor events. It’s Celebration Awards on Tuesday (which will include a performance the Dance Club). This is followed after school by the PFA Easter Egg Hunt, Cake Sale and Raffle. On Thursday it’s the Easter Service in the church. After the service, there are a couple of events to look forward to; firstly, the parade of the Easter bonnets from the church back to school. Secondly, once the children have been dismissed at the end of the day, please do return to the church for hot cross buns and refreshments.
Last week, Reception pupils enjoyed an Easter themed day on Tuesday with Reception friends at Norton. On the same day, Year 1 and 2 enjoyed the trip to the Tiverton Museum (see pictures). They were joined by school bear Dilys who went on her first ever school trip. Oak Class have been exploring strategies to respond to online bullying and to be respectful to other users online. I have been impressed with the quality of the discussion.
In other news, a netball squad travelled to Sherborne Prep to play in a tournament, plus it was the final cross-country race of this season. Well done to pupils who have taken part throughout and to parents and staff for facilitating these events.
Finally, huge congratulations and thank you from all of us to Miss Brown on successfully completing the Yeovil half marathon yesterday. She has certainly demonstrated this half-term’s value of Perseverance and raised nearly £500 for the schools’ new cross-country kit! It’s not too late to donate: https://gofund.me/31b671f4
Wishing you all a good week and a restful Easter break. Mr Caswell
Category: West Chinnock