Released On 4th Dec 2023
Weekly Update
Last Friday, we welcomed Mr Mangles to lead our collective worship. He explained the symbolism of the Christingle and everyone joined in with a special song. All pupils will be making a Christingle to bring home.
The highlight of last week (or perhaps the year) were the discovery of the remnants of an Alien landing. It proved fascinating for everyone and led to some great learning opportunities including counting the washing on the line (who knew that aliens love underpants?). Oak pupils demonstrated real perseverance with their Maths as they got to grips with some tricky number problems.
It has been great to see the first homemade Snow Globes arriving at school, currently decorating my office! Please find the poster attached for your information as there is still plenty of time to take part.
In addition to the Nativity this week, a reminder that Thursday is Christmas Jumper Day. Come into school wearing a festive top with a suggested donation of £1 for Save the Children.
In response to feedback, I am glad to report that there is now a personalised phone message when you call the school with the option to report an absence or speak to the office.
Finally please support the PFA Christmas event this Friday afterschool.
Have a good week. Mr Caswell
Category: West Chinnock