
Norton & West Chinnock Schools

Learning Together for Excellence

Weekly Update

Released On 13th Nov 2023

Weekly Update

Odd Socks Day is an annual awareness-raising event that serves as a reminder that being different is something to be proud of. In wearing mismatched socks for the day, we celebrate diversity and promote inclusion. Thank you and well done to the pupils, parents, grandparents, staff and volunteers who gave their time on Sunday to represent the school at the Remembrance Service at Middle Chinnock or elsewhere. It was good to see the school represented alongside other groups from the village in remembering those who have lost their lives defending our freedoms. Last week, pupils in Acorn Class became reporters and wrote Newspaper articles all about the first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong. Meanwhile, Oak Class had the opportunity to meet the author SF Said (virtually) who wrote their class novel Varjak Paw. Finally, well done to Sarah Welch who has been elected as parent governor. Have a great week. Mr Caswell

Weekly Update

Category: West Chinnock


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