
Norton & West Chinnock Schools

Learning Together for Excellence

Weekly update

Released On 22nd May 2023

Weekly update

As the wonderful warmer weather arrives please remember the importance of sun cream, sun hat and a labelled drink’s bottle.

Our Juniors have a trip to Crewkerne museum to look forward to this week where they plan to build on their knowledge as part of their local history unit -we look forward to hearing more about their learning and would like to thank the PFA for their generous contribution towards the cost of the transport.

Thank you for your recent feedback and suggestions regarding morning drop offs. We understand the importance for children, parents and staff to have a routine which is consistent, embedded, supports the children to be independent with their own routines and is a positive start to the day. As a team we met and reflected on ways to achieve this and have put in place a rota where a staff member will be present to usher in children. We are also looking to get the school bell to sound off at 08:55 promptly. As playschool opens after the school, the gate is still open. We are hoping to review whether there is an alternative to this with the playschool and will update you on any changes.

As always we expect your child to be ready to come to school at 08:55 and for parents to promptly drop off and leave. Should you arrive late, you should sign in through the office.

A polite reminder to all families to continue supporting your child in reading and recording a minimum of 5 times a week in the yellow reading books.

And finally, this is the last week in a short half term with lots of Bank Holidays - we do still look forward to a re-set during next week to prepare for the busy half-term of summer activities, important transitions and well deserved celebrations.

Parent update 22nd May

Category: West Chinnock


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