
Norton & West Chinnock Schools

Learning Together for Excellence

Weekly update

Released On 15th May 2023

Weekly update

A huge well done last week to our Year 6 pupils, staff and parents.  With SATs making the news this year, pupils can be really proud of the way they approached the tests showing hard work, resilience and positivity.  What a great way to start the days with pupils and staff enjoying the SATs breakfast!  There is lots for Year 6 to look forward to in their last term of primary school and they are excellent role models consistently demonstrating great maturity, calmness and integrity.

We are excited to have started work with the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust on the Trust School Improvement package.  In the coming weeks, we’ll be publishing more information about our current areas of focus and how we can work together to improve your child’s learning experience.

This week, we look forward to the Years 4, 5 and 6 trip experiencing the synagogue and cathedral which will support learning in RE and further develop pupils’ understanding and respect for others in diverse Britain.

Enjoy the dry weather this week (please remember sun cream, hat and plenty of water if it’s very sunny).

Parent update 15th May


Category: West Chinnock


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