
Norton & West Chinnock Schools

Learning Together for Excellence

Weekly update

Released On 27th Mar 2023

Weekly update

Last week, saw the final instalment of the area cross country this year.  Until now, we had enjoyed a series of dry races.  However, the heavens opened at Mudford on Wednesday which tested the resilience of runners, supporters and staff.  A huge well done and thank you to all pupils who have taken part and persevered throughout the season, parents who have supported and staff for enabling both schools to take part.  We await confirmation of the final team results in the different categories.

There are a number of events this week.  Firstly, it’s the TT rock stars Battle of the Bands where juniors compete with each other across the federation on their times tables speed and accuracy.   Pupils will have opportunities to do this at school and the app is also accessible at home. 

The Easter Service is on Tuesday 28th March at 2pm.  Parents are welcome.  Following the service, please stay and support the church fundraising tea & hot cross buns event.

Wednesday is the date of the rearranged parents’ evening meetings.  The appointment times are the same as before.  Please do contact the office, should you need to reschedule.

Finally, please do join us for the PFA Easter cake sale afterschool on Friday 31st March.

Wishing you all a good week and a very Happy Easter!

Parent update 27th March

Category: West Chinnock


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